
A conscious life requires courage and clarity. The courage of your convictions. It demands you show up, authentically, in alignment with your values, fully embodied and with the confidence to carve your own path. The field is vast, but the signposts are there.
Let me be your guide.
conscious business + personal coaching
providing personal and group coaching for creative professionals, entrepreneurs, and organizations looking to make change and bring consciousness to the work they do in the world
→ heartfelt
flourishing is a feeling. living a fulfilling, authentic, balanced life requires a kind of knowing that is in both the mind and the body
→ empowering
you are the expert and you know what to do. sometimes you just need a little help seeing the forest for the trees
→ holisitic
we are multidimensional. choices we make in one area of life impact the others: career, health + wellbeing, relationships, home, environment, personal and spiritual growth are all interconnected
→ attuned
nothing stays the same. it is in the shifts and starts that we learn how to enjoy the journey
i am currently taking on new clients. If you are making a major career transition, starting your own business, or just wanting to bring more of your authentic self to what you do, get in touch. i would love to hear from you.
christine has a brilliant way of using curiosity, humour, and sensitivity to elicit some big ideas. Then she helped me explore and organize those ideas, and to formulate a concrete plan to make helpful changes. I came away from working with her with an enhanced understanding of myself, where I’d like to go, and how to get there. I highly recommend her heart-centered approach to anyone looking for support with career exploration.
Andrew, therapist
Through christine’s gentle and insightful guidance and questions, I saw exactly how I needed to move forward with my business. Impressive! Thank you for supporting me with how to properly “till my garden” to produce my desired results. Wow!
Jacquleine, entrepreneur
christine is an empathic, empowering, FUN life-guide who has the rare deep presence for both restorative and actionable inner work. She sets the perfect balance of offering a practice that you play within while also being responsive to new information that comes up, naturally, in the process. Life’s always going to be unpredictable, but thanks to her coaching I have a lovely little compass that keeps me making choices in alignment with my values and highest aspirations.
Amy, marketing professional
christine is a clear, concise, quiet and perceptive coach. She distills with precision, finding the essential kernels hidden in between and behind the spoken words. And her mirroring of concepts and great kindness, make it easy to open up. The energy and power of our discussion continues to resonate … long after the actual conversation finished.
Trudy, yoga teacher
christine stoddard is a certified coach, facilitator, and public speaker with over two decades of experience empowering discovery for others. she has rich non-profit business, educational and creative experience working with individuals and leading groups through strategic development and personal growth — from C-suite executives and project managers, to university students, professional artists, and yogis looking to stretch their practice into new fields of inquiry.

inthefield coaching + yoga
aligning your work in the world with your inner nature
© christine stoddard, 2024